The large-scale Dreamers exhibition, highlighting the work of Xiao Hui Wang and Francesca Marti’ at the new Xiao Hui Wang Art Museum in Shanghai, has been extended until November 15, 2022. The exhibition includes photographs, sculptures, videos and installations.

A boxed-set of two “Echoes” books about the work of the two artists since the 1990’s has been published by the Zhuzhong Art Museum in Beijing. At 200 pages each, the aqua coloured book is dedicated to Francesca Marti’, the pale purple book to the work of Xiao Hui Wang. The books are written and devised by Xiao Guanhong, Jonathan Turner and Alia Lin, with texts by Dieter Ronte and other contributors, designed by Wang Pei and edited by Li Angxuan and Luo Xiaoping.